The Professional Soil Classifiers Association of North Dakota (PSCAND) is a non-profit organization established October 1972. The initial purpose of the PSCAND was to professionalize the science and art of the soil classifier. A bill (Senate Bill No. 2122), drafted by members, was introduced to and passed by the 1973 North Dakota Legislative Assembly providing for registration and licensing of Professional Soil Classifiers. Since that time, 77 Soil Classifiers have become Registered Professionals in North Dakota.
The PSCAND is dedicated to foster the profession of soil classifying and to further the increase and dissemination of information concerning all phases of soil science in order to contribute to the general human welfare.
The PSCAND is lead by an elected Board of Directors consisting of the president, president-elect, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer. The Board is responsible for appointments and assignments to standing and special committees.